Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hectic weekends

2 hari yg amat memenatkan...tp nasib baik dah pegi massage td,barula tulang2 ku terasa ringan,cuma skrg ni mata je yg x dpt bukak sepenuhnya..hehe

 mum,sis n me tgh x ada keja while waiting for my dad 

Ok nak start activities ari sabtu dulu,my parents come by to my house tis week to book flight ticket, alhamdulillah MAS ada buat online promotion for March 2010 to kuching..dah lama dah x naik flight, kalo time U dulu blh dkatakan every 6 month naik flight,tp skrg ni dah x ada org sponser so jarang2 dah la pegi KLIA..uwaaaaaaa ( pic yg x memuaskan, almaklum la camera hp)
After breakfast at KL sentral, we went straight to kg Dato' Harun, anta baju kat kak Noriz(our tailor)...kak noris bt baju mmg sedap utk dpakai cuma satu je problem dia, lambat siap..tu yg kadang2 kena antar awal2 so that our baju can finish on time..hopefully by early march ,she can finish all our baju (including mine...heheh actually my baju for wedding dah settle, saja mengatal tempah lg =))....
We went to my aunty house after that....chit chat cit chat bla bla bla, 1 hour jgkla singgah umah my aunty walaupun plan asal, only half an hour je...then we had to rush back to port klang bcoz  family 'c dia' nak dtg ke teratak ku yg buruk ini...malu jgk la coz my home ni mmg totally umah org bujang, kosong!!!.....tv n dapur tu ada la...ayat cover line IF his sister asked...'bila pindah nanti baru start nak beli brg ...umah baru, so barang 2 pun kena la baru' hehehe...nasib baik his sister x tanya ..fuh lega =)
At night we have our seafood dinner at Tanjung Harapan...yum yum, fully recommmended by me yg suka mkn ini n once again pictures dr hp yg kurang memuaskan....redha je la

yey!!! finally mknan dah smp..yum yum

yum yum yum yum......

Tu  br our activities ari sabtu..then on sunday, we go hunting baju melayu for my dad, my elder bro n my younger bro kat shah alam....huh, amat memenatkan (buying others people stuff sgt memenatkan..heheh)
pusing ke sana n pusing ke cini, at last we end up buying kain baju melayu at Gulatti's Silk House and tempah at ADEN (lupa la nama butik tu). Last time my families tempah ctu time my brother wedding...according to my dad, hasil kerja diaorg selesa utk dpakai...
Zzzzzz ..sgt mengantuk, tahap nye adalah dtahap gaban....                  

Sunday, January 10, 2010

(500) Days of Summer

(500) Days of Summer Poster

Just came back from One Utama..what else to do there? Shopping? shopping untuk barang kahwin (ayat menyedapkan hati =) )..hmm alamatnye tis month kena mkn maggie..
'c dia' ada bg cd movies and one of them is (500) Days of Summer, a romantic-drama-comedy film, my personal opinion is..sweeeeet!!! jalan cte yg amat menarik... ceewah macam pengkritik lak.
But tis movie only shown at KLCC,i wonder why???tak menarik ke?stakat ni dah 3-4 kali tgk tis movie sebelum tdo ..if 'c dia' x download movie ni, sy pun x akan tahu kewujudan movie ni..
and the soundtracks of tis movie quite interesting to hear....

i always want to b careful with my spending, but the more careful i be, a lot of pembaziran berlaku...so i decide let it be, what ever happen just happened =)
Yesterday 'c dia' n me baru buat wedding card kat LH Creative, wedding tinggal 2 month ++, hopefully they can finish it before CNY and hope everything will be OK and according to the design we choose ...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My 1st Entry :5th of January 2010

hmmm...couldnt believe that i have my own blog n become one of blogger =). I usually prefer outdoor activities rather that indoor,but due to my laziness (tahap gaban) i'm seldom doing outdoor activities anymore...n i'm nooot sooo sure how long this blogging activities will last..hopefully longer than i expected.
This blog will be as a journal about myself (of course =D) and my journey to become 'ratu sehari', another upgrading level in my life's...i always love to be a silent reader to 'bride in making' blog, especially when they share their precious moment...so lovely!!
Ok!!! i think that enough for today.